View in context

Table 6.10. Major features present at dated multiple habitation components.

1700-1863 1868-1930 1930-1960
No. of Habitation Components 9 7 7
No. with Corrals - 5 (71%) 4 (57%)
No. with Storage Facilities - 3 (43%) 4 (57%)
No. with Wood Chopping Area or Wood Piles - 2 (28%) 4 (57%)
No. with Sweat Lodges - - 2 (28%)
No. with Temporary Shelters 1 (11%) 2 (28%) 2 (28%)
Note: Percentages shown in this table represent the proportion of components of a given time period at which a given feature type is present. For example, in the 1930-1960 time period, four (57%) of seven multiple habitations have corrals.