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Table 4.20. Vessel form frequencies for Cibola White Ware types.a

Ceramic Type Bowls Jars Other Total
# Row % Col. % # Row % Col. % # Row % Col. % # Row % Col. %
*BMIII-PI M/W 1,514 67.95 19.14 706 31.69 4.95 8 0.36 2.23 2,228 100.0 9.88
*Red Mesa B/W 1,138 39.34 14.38 1,723 59.56 12.07 32 1.11 8.94 2,893 100.0 12.83
*Escavada B/W 416 40.51 5.26 594 57.84 4.16 17 1.66 4.75 1,027 100.0 4.56
*Puerco B/W 168 41.69 2.12 214 53.10 1.50 21 5.21 5.87 403 100.0 1.79
*Gallup B/W 1,021 34.45 12.90 1,927 65.01 13.50 16 0.54 4.47 2,964 100.0 13.15
*Chaco B/W 41 28.87 0.52 98 69.01 0.69 3 2.11 0.84 142 100.0 0.63
*Chaco-McElmo B/W 116 54.21 1.47 91 42.52 0.64 7 3.27 1.96 214 100.0 0.95
PII-PIII M/W 1,579 32.71 19.96 3,160 65.47 22.14 88 1.82 24.58 4,827 100.0 21.41
Uniden. CWW 1,919 24.46 24.25 5,761 73.43 40.36 166 2.12 46.37 7,846 100.0 34.80
TOTAL 7,912 35.10 100.0 14,274 63.32 100.0 358 1.59 100.0 22,544 100.0 100.0
aChi-square calculated on bowls versus jars of identified (starred*) types only=671.371, df=6, prob=0.0001, and Cramer’s V=0.262