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Table 5.34. Ratios of debitage and tools, and formal and informal tools at Anasazi, Navajo, Archaic, Archaic/Anasazi, and Other/Unknown sites.

Anasazi Navajo Archaic Archaic/ Anasazi Other/ Unknown
Artifact Type No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio
Debitage 16,087 12.8 742 5.9 456 12.7 3,693 14.4 704 6.9
Tool 1,260 125 36 256 102
Formala 326 0.35 33 0.36 15 0.71 71 0.38 23 0.29
Informalb 934 92 21 185 79
aIncludes projectile points, scrapers, bifaces, and drills.
bIncludes utilized and retouched flakes.