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Table 5.41. Ratios of debitage and tools, and formal and informal tools at the Anasazi site types.

Anasazi Site Type
Large Structure Great Kiva Chacoan Structure Small Structure Nonstructural
Artifact Type No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio No. Ratio
Debitage 9,945 13.1 489 12.2 916 10.2 1,411 10.5 3,408 13.3
Tool 756 40 90 134 256
Formala 200 0.36 11 0.38 14 0.18 33 0.33 73 0.40
Informalb 556 29 76 101 183
aIncludes projectile points, scrapers, bifaces, and drills.
bIncludes utilized and retouched flakes.